Blogx: Seamless and Self-Hosted Personal Blogging Platform
Blogx is an open-source blogging platform that allows a single admin to create, manage, and publish blogs. Users visiting the site can view the list of blogs and the admin's profile card, as well as read individual blog posts. This project is designed for ease of self-hosting, enabling users to fork the repository and set up their personal blogging site. Blogx also supports both dark and light themes to enhance user experience.
Github Repo
Tech Stack
- Languages: JavaScript,TypeScript
- Frameworks/Libraries: Next.js 14,Tailwind CSS,DaisyUI,NextAuth.js
- Database: PostgreSQL
- ORM: Prisma
- Admin account creation and login
- Admin dashboard for profile management and blog management
- Blog creation, editing, and deletion
- Public homepage displaying blog list and admin profile card
- Individual blog post viewing
- Single admin capability
- Dark and light theme support
- Open-source with easy self-hosting
- Utilizes NextAuth for secure user authentication.
Challenges and Solutions
Challenge: Implementing user authentication and secure admin access.
Solution: Utilized NextAuth.js for secure authentication and session management.
Challenge: Designing a responsive and attractive UI.
Solution: Used Tailwind CSS and DaisyUI to create a consistent and aesthetically pleasing design across all devices.
Learning Outcomes
- Gained experience with managing a monorepo setup using Turbo Repo for streamlined development and deployment processes.
- Improved understanding of Prisma for database management.
- Enhanced skills in responsive web design using Tailwind CSS and DaisyUI.